Letters in the sand…
“The only words Jesus wrote were in the sand.” (Glennon Doyle) Note: Just to be clear here, I often use words like “we” and “us” simply because I’m so often referring to myself or a not-so-long-ago version of myself. Obviously there’s overlap, but my goal here is to be honest and transparent as I/we journey into this thing we call life. I’m sure we’ve all heard this in one way or another, that Jesus never wrote a book or organized some 7-step strategic plan for success…but I think as I heard these words today on a podcast they just sank a bit deeper this time. “The only words Jesus ever wrote were in the sand.” And yet thousands upon thousands upon thousands of words AND books have been written about the words that someone else wrote about what Jesus said and did. Huh… Even when we talk about “eye witness accounts”…these were not written down like we are able to today. They didn’t just pull out their iPhones and start recording videos of Jesus or even typi...